Gabriela Mistral University Repository
The Gabriela Mistral University Library has developed the following Academic Repository in order to preserve, disseminate and make available the full-text contents of the academic production developed by the different actors in the academic and research field of the University.
The UGM University at the beginning of the year 2017 incorporated the UCINF University, also adding that collection where we find memories, theses, degree works, academic magazines, speeches, books, digital and sound files. Contact: [email protected]
The UGM University at the beginning of the year 2017 incorporated the UCINF University, also adding that collection where we find memories, theses, degree works, academic magazines, speeches, books, digital and sound files. Contact: [email protected]
Reexperimentación emocional mediante escritura expresiva en jóvenes universitarios: Reflexiones fenomenológico-interpretativas en tiempos de pandemia Covid-19
Silva García, María Beatriz
Moreno Murcia, Luis Miguel
La reexperimentación emocional mediante escritura expresiva ha demostrado ser efectiva y
eficaz para la liberación de emociones y la expresión de sentimientos y pensamientos sobre una
situación dolorosa o traumática. No obstante, los análisis sobre esta herramienta se han centrado
en un paradigma cuantitativo, asociado a los efectos terapéuticos de la escritura, dejando de lado
la experiencia subjetiva de los participantes. Con base en la ausencia de interpretaciones
cualitativas, el presente estudio tuvo como objetivo analizar y comprender la experiencia
subjetiva de un grupo de jóvenes universitarios que participaron en un ejercicio de
reexperimentación emocional mediante escritura expresiva en tiempos de pandemia Covid-19. El
estudio de corte cualitativo, con un alcance exploratorio descriptivo, se realizó a través de un
grupo focal. El análisis y procesamiento de datos se desarrolló a partir de un análisis
fenomenológico interpretativo (AFI). Entre los principales resultados se encontró que los jóvenes
significan y catalogan que los procesos de escritura son beneficiosos en la reflexión de
experiencias pasadas, lo que a su vez les permite resignificarlas y aprender de estas. Se concluye
que los procesos de reexperimentación escrita son una herramienta fundamental en la expresión
de emociones, pensamientos y sentimientos en coyunturas sociales como la actual, en la cual la
mayoría de las personas no tiene acceso a atención psicosocial y terapéutica. Emotional re-experimentation through expressive writing has proven to be effective and
effective in releasing emotions and expressing feelings and thoughts about a painful or traumatic
situation. However, the analyses on this tool have focused on a quantitative paradigm, associated
with the therapeutic effects of writing, leaving aside the subjective experience of the participants.
Based on the absence of qualitative interpretations, The objective of this study was to analyze
and understand the subjective experience of a group of young university students who
participated in an exercise of emotional re-experimentation through expressive writing in times
of pandemic Covid-19. The qualitative study, with a descriptive exploratory scope, was carried
out through a focal group. Data analysis and processing was developed from an interpretive
phenomenological analysis (AFI). Among the main results was found that young people mean
and catalog that writing processes are beneficial in the reflection of past experiences, which in
turn allows them to resignify them and learn from them. It is concluded that the processes of
written re-experimentation are a fundamental tool in the expression of emotions, thoughts and
feelings in social situations such as the current one, in which most people do not have access to
psychosocial and therapeutic care.
Key words: emotional re-experimentation, expressive writing, phenomenological analysis,
university students, subjective experiences.
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