Gabriela Mistral University Repository

The Gabriela Mistral University Library has developed the following Academic Repository in order to preserve, disseminate and make available the full-text contents of the academic production developed by the different actors in the academic and research field of the University.
The UGM University at the beginning of the year 2017 incorporated the UCINF University, also adding that collection where we find memories, theses, degree works, academic magazines, speeches, books, digital and sound files. Contact: [email protected]

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dc.contributor.authorLarre, Olga L.
dc.identifier.citationRevista Chilena de Estudios Medievales Número 13 enero-junio, 2018 pp. 29 - 40es_ES
dc.description.abstractConstituye nuestro propósito en este trabajo analizar la noción de materia en Tomás de Aquino elaborada a partir del Comentario a las Sentencias de Pedro Lombardo (II, dist. 3, 12-15 y 18). El texto del Lombardo es ocasión para Aquino de interpretar a Aristóteles a través de un diálogo con Avicena, Averroes, Avicebrón y otros filósofos contemporáneos exponiendo una doctrina personal en torno al tema. Esta actitud lo presenta al Doctor Communis como un lector de sus predecesores y contemporáneos que tiene clara conciencia del debate desarrollado en su tiempo en torno a la materia y quiere situar sus ideas en un contexto dialógico. Sus posiciones fundamentales ya están tomadas y los pilares de su doctrina, configurados.es_ES
dc.description.abstractIt is our purpose in the present work to analyze the notion of Aquinas´ matter, in the Commentary on the Sentences of Peter Lombard (II Sent., dist. 3, 12-15 and 18)). His commentary on Lombard is an occasion for to interpret Aristotle, and to present his doctrine of matter through a dialogue with Avicenna, Averroes, Avicebron and others contemporary philosophers. This attitude shows Doctor Communis as a reader of his predecessors and contemporaries. It is clear that he is perfectly aware of the current debate and wants to situate his ideas in a broader context. His fundamental positions are already taken and the pillars of his doctrine, configured.
dc.publisherUniversidad Gabriela Mistrales_ES
dc.publisherCentro de Estudios Medievales
dc.rightsAttribution-NoDerivs 3.0 United States
dc.subjectTomás, De Aquino, Santo, 1225?-1274es_ES
dc.subjectAverroes, 1126-1198es_ES
dc.subjectIbn Gabirol, Selomó, 1021?-1058?es_ES
dc.subjectAvicenna, 980-1037es_ES
dc.titleUn examen en torno a la noción de materia expuesta por Tomás de Aquino en su Comentario a las Sentenciases_ES
dc.title.alternativeAn examination around the notion of matter exposed by Thomas Aquinas in the Commentary on the Sentenceses_ES

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